HIFU non-surgical facelift

Hifu, high intense focused ultrasound is the next best thing to a surgical facelifts.

HIFU non-surgical facelift

Hifu works right at the base of the skin where all the cellular activity starts.

High Intense Focused Ultrasound stimulates collagen and elastin production having a tightening and firming effect on the skin and muscles.It works on the muscle fascia below SMAS the skin, which is the area surgeons work on for facelifts. The ultrasound energy tightens the SMAS layer, lifting and plumping the skin, stimulates collagen and elastin and can reduce stubborn fatty deposits on the face and body.

Suitable for neck, jawline, jowls, puffy eyes and foreheads. Subtle changes are visible instantly and the full results develop over 3 months. Only one facelift per year is needed, results last one year.

No visible down time.

We follow a very specific grid to ensure each area of the face receives the correct intensity of treatment.

Can we help you to regain your youth or slow the onset of ageing?

Any enquiries please get in touch.

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